Um....ever wonder what these rings mean?

The emblem of the Olympic Games is composed of five interlocking rings (blue, yellow, black, green, and red respectively) on a white field. This was originally designed in 1913 by Baron Pierre de Coubertin, the founder of the modern Olympic Games. These five rings stand for passion, faith, victory, work ethic and sportsmanship. Upon its initial introduction, de Coubertin stated the following in the August, 1913 edition of Revue Olympique:
The emblem chosen to illustrate and represent the world Congress of 1914 ...: five intertwined rings in different colors - blue, yellow, black, green, red - are placed on the white field of the paper. These five rings represent the five parts of the world which now are won over to Olympism and willing to accept healthy competition.
Information courtesy of http://www.wikipedia.com/
100 bottles of coke on the wall?

34 Coca-Cola art bottles and their creators gathered at the Olympic Green complex. (Photo credit: Li Wei) Thirty-four Coca-Cola art bottles give visitors a taste of China's multi-faceted culture at exhibit in Beijing.
Close to 180,000 entries have been submitted since December 12, 2007, when Coca-Cola invited artists to submit their designs. The designs featured various elements of Chinese culture including: "flying goddesses" from the Buddhist mural paintings of the Dunhuang Grottoes, the famous Tulou residential architecture of Fujian Province; and imagery of the National Stadium in Beijing, affectionately dubbed the "Bird's Nest." Thirty-four works from all over China were selected as the winning designs. They were then used to decorate a set of two-meter-tall soda bottles.
So, like the Olympics life is competitive. For almost a year, designers have competed for this Coca Cola contest. Similarly the Olympians have been working for years for these special moments.
So have many fashion designers...
Ralph Lauren born: October 14, 1939 birth place: Bronx, New York Born Ralph Lifshitz in the Bronx, New York, Ralph Lauren was fashion aware at a very early age. By spending his hard-earned pocket money on expensive suits, Lauren became the best dressed 12-year-old in his neighbourhood. It wasn’t long before the young entrepreneur left his middle class Jewish roots behind him to set out on a quest to establish his very own fashion empire.Rather than study design, he completed most of a business degree and learned his trade through evening jobs. While working at one of these jobs, he began designing wide ties and with a $50,000 loan, Lauren founded the company Polo Fashions in 1968. Polo went on to champion the ‘power suit’ of the early 80's in the face of strong competition from Armani. With expansion firm in his sights, Lauren branched out into women's clothing, sheets, towels and furniture.Through sheer hard work and exacting standards, Ralph Lauren has become the epitome of classic fashion, with brands such as Polo, Ralph Lauren for Men, Ralph Lauren for Women and even Ralph Lauren paint. His company is estimated to be worth a staggering $900 million.
Information courtesy of the http://www.biographychannel.com/
Want to see some of Ralph Lauren's Official Olympic Designs?
Now how's that for a story? Talk about the American Dream...
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