Sunday, October 4, 2009

Chic Gems Featured at Peace Journey Event, Juvenesse Spa

Chic Gems and Peace Journey Event

The Peace Journey Event took place at Juvenesse Spa to launch the EcoChallenge2020 Peace Journey Brazil 2010 on the United Nations International Day of Peace, September 21, 2009. At the launch party, there were wines by Mionetto USA, delicious treats from Carnivale, music, a silent auction, and a raffle.

Chic Gems not only created two special "Peace" necklaces for the event but also 20% of Chic Gem's sales from the evening were donated to the Peace Journey Brazil 2010.
Here are pictures of the two necklaces at the event.

"Peace" Key Necklace by Chic Gems

"Peace" affirmation necklace by Chic Gems
We had a great turn out at the party and were entertained by a selection of "peace songs" performed by children of the Skinner School. Here are a few more pictures of the party.

For more information, visit
All photographs were provided by Seth Kammueller.
Don't forget to check back here soon for more Chic Gems, Etc. events, promotions, and updates!

All the very best,
Sarah Radford
Designer Jewelry for Professional Women

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